雷射, 醫療器材, 痘痘

衡奕精密專營:雷射醫療器材痘痘 產品

【美國PreSchool Prep Company】幼兒美語學習翻翻書+厚紙書共8本(整套八本)

商品網址: http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=2505142&memid=6000007559&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league


  • 品號:2505142

  • 全美超過25獎項肯定
  • Amazon最賣座榮譽榜
  • 全美上千所幼稚園指定使用教材
  • 此為智財權保護之影音產品
  • 拆封不可退換

  • 宜蘭縣痘痘



"You will be amazed what your kids can learned"



l Dr. Toy's 10 Best Educational Products Award (Dr. Toy's 前10項最佳教育系統獎)

l Dr. Toy's 100 Best Children's Products Award (Dr. Toy's 前100項最佳幼童商品獎)

l Creative Child Magazine's Preferred Choice Award (啟發幼童創意雜誌最佳精選獎)

l Creative Child Magazine's 2006 DVD of the Year (啟發幼童創意雜誌2006最佳DVD獎)

l The Best Baby Toys of 2005 - About.com (About.com 2005 年最佳幼童玩具獎)

l iParenting Media Award Winner(美國iParenting 最佳媒體獎)

l Top 7 Baby and Toddler Alphabet Learning Videos - About.com (About.com 前7名幼童最佳學習字母教育系統獎)

l Film Advisory Board Inc. - Award of Excellence (美國電影諮詢局頒發最佳幼童教育影片獎)

l Dove Foundation - 5 Dove Ratings (美國Dove 基金會頒發五顆星優良獎)

l Meet the Letters & Meet the Numbers 登上Amazon.com 的Best Seller list 最賣座榮譽榜

l Meet the Shapes & Meet the Phonics 榮獲Creative Child Magazine "DVD of the Year" 年度最佳DVD.

【美國PreSchool Prep Company】幼兒美語學習翻翻書+厚紙書(一套八冊)

■ 翻翻書 & 厚紙書等書本可配合DVD的內容,本基礎系列適合9M以上的寶貝們。


內含:一套八本: Lift the Flap Pack 翻翻書,共四本( Meet the Letters Lift the Flap Book, Meet the Numbers Lift the Flap Book, Meet the Shapes Lift the Flap Book, and Meet the Colors Lift the Flap Book ), Board Book Pack厚紙書,共四本( Meet the Vowels Board Book, Meet the Numbers Board Book, Meet the Shapes Board Book, and Meet the Colors Board Book.)


【美國PreSchool Prep Company】幼兒美語學習翻翻書+厚紙書共8本(整套八本)

商品網址: 苗栗縣雷射http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=2505142&memid=6000007559&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league

雷射, 醫療器材, 痘痘

衡奕精密專營:雷射醫療器材痘痘 產品


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